What is the National Provider Identifier?
The NPI is a unique 10-digit number assigned to each applicable health care provider or agency.
It’s designed to help people identify practitioners while you’re sending information over the internet, like payment claims and referral authorizations.
The National Provider Identifier (NPI) is needed by federal law for all covered entities under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
In other words, if a practitioner transmits protected health data in an electronic form in connection with health care claims and other transactions as described by HIPPA laws, he or she must comply.
What is taxonomy code?
A taxonomy code is a ten-character identifier that defines a category and specialization. You can use this code when applying for a National Provider Identifier, often known as an NPI.
How do I change my Primary Taxonomy?
Please visit the website https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov to add, change or delete taxonomy code online. Follow the steps to complete the changes.
Enter your I&A User ID and password on the NPPES website’s Home Page.

In the Action column of the NPI you want to change, click the “Pencil” ICON.
Navigate to the Taxonomy page by either:
- Selecting Taxonomy from the left navigation panel
- Selecting Taxonomy on the top progression bar.
- Selecting Next until you are navigated to the Taxonomy page.
To change the Primary Taxonomy code, click the radio box next to the Taxonomy and choose one of the provided codes as the primary Taxonomy.
To edit or add a Taxonomy code, follow these steps:
- Select Add Taxonomy.
- Once you have selected the desired Taxonomy code, it will allow you to input an associated license and state of issue, if applicable.
- Select Save to store the new information and return to a list of all Taxonomy and licenses currently on the record.
To delete a Taxonomy code:
Select Delete next to the Taxonomy code you want to get rid of.
Navigate to the Submission page
Select Submit.